Thursday, November 17, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We interrupt this blog to bring you this...

Instead of hijacking River's blog with pics of our wedding and honeymoon, we created a new one devoted to Colette and me. Enjoy!

James and Colette's Wedding

James and Colette's Honeymoon

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

One year is almost upon us.

How did we go from this... this?
All I can say is that some maxims have earned their place more so than others. "They grow up so fast" has to be the most overused combination of words in a parent's wheelhouse. That or "Honey, is that food or poo? Both? Jeebus." This kid has been around for a year now, and she has made her mark, to say the least. Better writers than I have tried to express what it feels like to be a parent, so I won't go into any of that maudlin stuff. I will say this much, (hah, see I lied to you already) this girl has brought out things in me that I would have never thought possible, and I don't just mean the good. I have at times become so frustrated with her that I Googled "Exorcisms" with gritted teeth. I have at other times openly shed tears at the way she looks when she is sleeping. I have smelled her hair and and twirled her curls and become so overwhelmed that I've felt as if I would die never knowing any greater love than in those moments with her in my arms. I am under no illusions that my child is any better or worse than anyone else's child, yet even as I typed that, a part of me said "You don't believe that". Ok, yes I lied (again), I feel at the most primal and basic part of me that this girl is nothing short of a god and that I am her greatest, most steadfast believer. I trust anyone reading this will know I do not mean to be blasphemous, I wish only to convey the absolute reverence I have for our daughter. The phenomenon of being a parent is still very new to us, at this writing not quite a year to date. However I might argue that the first year may certainly be the most potent, because every day is a new and different experience because everyday River is a different child and we are different parents. Ok yes, I said I wouldn't get maudlin and I did, well no one is forcing you to read this, so relax it's almost over.

Let's wrap this up.

I want to thank everyone who has ever helped us and encouraged us. I literally do not think we could have done it without you all. Colette and I love you and appreciate you more than we can show, which is unfortunate, but true.

Love James, Colette and River

Friday, June 24, 2011